Posts Tagged ‘comics’

More Age Of Republic Comics Info

November 20, 2018

Coffee With Kenobi (originally from Marvel) has a rundown and preview cover art of comics set for February 2019, including two new Age of Republic comics, Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku.

Check Out These Covers

November 5, 2018

There are a few more Qui-Gon variant covers, as per usual with Marvel. Look for the first of these to drop next month!

Surprising Revelations In New Comic

October 22, 2018

Marvel’s Darth Vader:  Dark Lord of the Sith #22 (the fourth part of a story arc) has some surprising revelations about why Vader set up his castle on Mustafar and what exactly the structure is supposed to accomplish.

I’m not going to spoil it for you but the money pages are here.  Let’s just say Vader isn’t over certain things…

Age Of Republic Cover Art

October 16, 2018

Naboo News by way of Newsarama has posted cover art, release months, and some synopses of the upcoming Age of Republic comics series from Marvel.

The first two issues drop in just a couple of months!


Cover art for Age of Republic:  Obi-Wan, coming January 2019!

Comics News

September 18, 2018

This lists the release schedule for Marvel’s upcoming Age of Republic series of comics. I’m assuming further details will be revealed at the Disney-Lucasfilm publishing panel at NYCC early next month. Marvel’s also doing an Age of Rebellion (OT) and an Age of Resistance (ST) series.

Check out what are supposedly the variant covers for the Qui-Gon and Maul comic covers.

Prequel Publishing News

July 20, 2018

Star Wars publishing had its panels today at SDCC (I was working my volunteer shift in another room but at least I got to see some hunky actors and Neil Gaiman for my trouble) where they dropped two new books and a comics series from Marvel.

First up is Claudia Gray’s Master And Apprentice, starring Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.  It’s scheduled for February 2019.  Dare we hope for an appearance by Duchess Satine?  Hmm?  Hmm?

Also announced was Queen’s Shadow by E.K. Johnston, which is about how Queen Amidala became Senator Amidala. I’m pretty sure this was the book rumored about recently.  It’s scheduled for March 2019.  Pre-orders for both books should be up by Monday.

Marvel announced a new series Age of the Republic by Jody Houser, which will feature eight comics over four months, each starring a hero and a villain.  The characters featured are Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, Obi-Wan and Jango Fett, Anakin and Count Dooku, and Padmé and General Grievous.

Anakin & Padmé Comic Coming From IDW

April 18, 2018

IDW’s Star Wars Adventures series (aimed at younger readers) #12 (July) will focus on Anakin and Padmé.  Gee, that cover sorta seems inspired by something I saw in some other movie recently:


Forces of Destiny Team Interview

January 25, 2018

The Ahsoka and Padmé Forces of Destiny comic from IDW is out and has an interview with its creative team.

A Note Re Comics Coverage

September 14, 2017

I have been reading Star Wars comics since 1978, at first when they were published by Marvel, then for 20 years with Dark Horse, and back again with Marvel when it regained the license a few years ago.  Last week I picked up IDW’s young readers comic.

Today Marvel’s Star Wars editor and a Marvel creator I’d never heard of blocked me on Twitter.  I have never interacted with these people.  I’ve never criticized them; in fact the only thing I’ve ever criticized about Marvel’s run on Twitter is Dr. Aphra and that’s not a topic I dwell upon very much.  So it’s not because of anything I’ve done to them or anyone else at Marvel.  The only reason I can figure out is that I follow a reviewer who has been very critical of the publisher and a lot of the people who work for it.  I only know this because everyone else who follows this guy, including people who disagree with him, were blocked at the same time.

One can do whatever she wants with her account, but it was really insulting to be blocked purely because of who I’m following; whose business is it anyway?  If Marvel’s Star Wars editor thinks that little of me after 39 years of loyalty to Star Wars comics–longer than this young lady has been alive by the way–then I’m just going to have to cut the cord.  I’m not buying Marvel comics anymore and I will not review or promote anything they do.  (But I’ll be happy to keep buying IDW’s series.)  Dark Horse’s people were always kind, respectful, enthusiastic, and great with the fans.  Marvel has a serious siege mentality that is alienating comics readers and sales are falling throughout the industry.

I’m not posting this to flounce but to let you know what kind of people they are and about the kind of disturbing dynamics that are happening on social media if you “step out of line” or associate with the “wrong” people.

Because I’m Too Tired…

July 21, 2017

The irony of being at a con is that you have less time to report on what’s happening at the con than the people who are 2500 miles away at home or at work.

I didn’t go to the Star Wars publishing panel, but Naboo News nicely summarized some upcoming prequel releases from Star’s announcements.  Keep an eye out for the upcoming Mace Windu comics series from Marvel (Mace Windu:  Jedi of the Republic), “Tales of Hope & Courage” from the Forces of Destiny line, some kids-related stuff in the “Journey to The Last Jedi” line, and “Star Wars:  Creatures and Aliens” from Abrams.

By the way, if you’re keeping up with the Star Wars Little Golden Books, the new wave (stuff like “I Am A Pilot” and “I Am A Princess”) features prequel stuff galore.

Hasbro also unveiled some new products in the pipeline, including the Padmé doll from the Forces of Destiny line and a 6″ Black Series Captain Rex:

