Could This Be The Problem With The TPM Trailer?

“Captain Typho” on the TFN message boards apparently works in a movie theater and had mentioned Deluxe was the company that sent out the batch of trailers (including TPM’s), called a “trail mix:”

This was the first time EVER that Deluxe released a trail mix. They just got into the trailer business this week. Deluxe’s trail mix drive had the 20th Fox and the Warner Bros trailers on it while Technicolor’s Trail Mix drive had everything else. We received the technicolor drive on Wednesday and I was very disappointed it was not on there, but then we actually got a phone call that day from Deluxe saying to expect their trail mix on Thursday. I know it’s cutting it real close but the drive did show up Thursday as promised and we ingested the trailer. Check around your theatre and see if you have a grey box laying around that says trailers on it. Might have overlooked it.

“Link1130” also works in a movie theater and said his/her theater never got the trailer in 3D from Deluxe:

We got the Trail Mix that said it was supposed to be on there, but for some reason it instead had another digital copy of The Three Musketeers. Hearing that a lot of theatres aren’t playing the trailer leads me to believe that this wasn’t an isolated incident.

So what we have here is a company that just got into the business and of course, screwed up. If theaters got the trailers on Thursday, they may not have had time or the inclination to get them set up by Friday. Deluxe apparently did not send every theater the trailer either, by mistake.



4 Responses to “Could This Be The Problem With The TPM Trailer?”

  1. Bob Clark Says:

    I called up my local theater and they said they’re showing the TPM trailer with the 3D “Three Musketeers”, so hopefully I’ll be able to see it myself tomorrow. If not… Ugh…

    Deluxe isn’t a new company, so this is odd. Haven’t they been around as a color processing firm for a while?

    • lazypadawan Says:

      Deluxe has been around for decades but according to this person working in a theater, Deluxe just got into trailer distribution this week.

  2. oxward321 Says:

    I’ll second that! You know if it was ESB it would be EVERYWHERE being pushed down out throats!!!!!I hope they get off their arse and start PROMOTING The Phantom Menace!!!!!!

  3. TheOtherYou Says:

    @ oxward321
    You know, LFL acts like an OT-only fanboy for six years now….

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